Employees are assets for any organization, measurement of their motivation might not be possible but some organizations has various tools to evaluate the overall performance like 360 degree, Self Reviews, Peer to peer reviews , frequently absenteeism increases because of de-motivation which is worst for an organization.
Most of the employees prefer their security assurance and they expect a lot from an organization while when we compare Private Job Vs Government Job then usually people prefer to Government job, Governmental jobs have more pleasures and comfort even after the retirement of the employee. The provident fund, gratuity and the pension are the major constituents of the employee’s earning even after his or her retirement. Few of these incentives are also a part of the private jobs but not all of them so this garnishing on the governmental jobs have further attracted the people towards the governmental jobs in Pakistan., I’ve seen many people who have good job and everything they have been provided by company In Private sector but they still believe that Government job is Government Why it is happening there might be many reasons behind it although I have to raise simple Questions that “Are Government Employees Competent and Skillful ? Are they working hard?
If they are competent then why RAILWAY Department is quite failed? Why there is Mismanagement? Are their employees competent and skillful? I am not considering the whole people might be some people would be well educated and proficient but not in majority; this is the primary reason behind failure of RAILWAY when something isn’t lucrative then privatization starts. PIA which is one of the most essential and realistic issue that cannot be neglect, but can you imagine the basic reason according to my study there is lack of management whereas there is over-employment.
Whenever I meet anyone then everyone suggests me that if you want to live in Pakistan then do a government job that will be secure for you, yes no doubt, it is secure but one think we have to remember that we have to work with under the supervisor of incompetent and un-educated person in few government organizations, I prefer the government job but few things we have to scarifies and work with patience.
Behind every problem, solution is always available and political influences should be diminish there is final solution and I believe that those person should be hire in government organization who can achieve the task on the time and competent person must be required in every organizations.
Hopefully Author will raise this issue in broader term and in the form of Research Paper & will presented in conference
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